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Postcard Tarot

Postcard tarot


Friday 7 June 1-5pm
Saturday 8 June 1-5pm
Sunday 9 June 1-5pm

The Merrijig Snug
The Merrijig Inn, 1 Campbell St, Port Fairy

“The cross over between the esoteric and creativity is so slight, if you blinked you might just miss it. The two worlds rarely collide, as though a lighter, humorous, more colourful approach to the many mysterious realms of spirituality would somehow taint the power that it contains. I’ve dipped my toes into as many soul-searching ventures as you can imagine, but each experience has left me with a lingering feeling of dissatisfaction. Either I know too little or question whether I have been misled; my mind will cling to something that fits or laugh off something that doesn’t.

“Enter Julie Bennet.

“Julie reads tarot from a stack of hundreds of postcards she’s collected over 30 years. The rules are simple. One; any card in her deck has to have been posted to her from somebody else and two; Julie makes the rules. There is no major and minor arcana, no hanged man or queen of wands looming over your future, instead the cards you choose are from an eclectic pile of uniquely bizarre and wonderful postcards sent from many corners of the world. Some have weathered edges, from years of being handled, others wear the stamp of 2018. The cards you pull form an equally ambiguous and exciting map which Julie then reads for you like a traditional tarot spread.”

Words by Sorca Hubbuck, Paradiso Magazine

Join Julie in a one-on-one 15 minute reading in the cosy confines of the Merrijig Front Bar for a trip of inspiration, guidance and magic. Just drop in (no bookings necessary) and trip out.

One-hour readings are also available while Julie is in town. Call 0423 612 117 to arrange.

8 June

A Seat At The Family Table

8 June

Youth Ceramic Workshop